Common Mistakes to Avoid During Placement Session

With the placement session approaching very fast, students must be in tremendous pressure to excel in it with flying colours. Often in their final year of diploma, graduation, and post-graduation, most of the students also have to struggle with academic studies along with placement preparation. Testing the academic as well as the industrial calibre of the students, final year placements often can be a bulky affair to handle. Stressed out by dealing with the end of student life and commencement of professional life, students are bound to make some mistakes during the time of placement.

Some of the reasons which are rather ordinary to happen by the students are listed below. While preparing for the forthcoming employment session students need to look out for the below mentioned mistakes which are common yet have the ability to be a hindrance in landing at the perfect dream job.

  • Lack of Confidence or Being over Confident: Confidence highlights the skills possessed by the candidate during an interview. As much as being confident is vital for a student, over-confidence can also prove to be a huge blunder. Interact with the faculties and seniors to get guidance about the interaction with the interviewer. Try not to raise your voice during the answers and also avoid diplomatic and sarcastic answers. Be as much as formal during the interaction and make sure that the answers are properly audible to the interviewer.
  • Not Preparing an Honest Resume: Resumes hold a significant amount of priority while selecting a candidate for a job. Without any prior knowledge about the students, resume makes the first impression of the student before the recruiters. Mention only those skills which you can answer when you are asked about. Lying on a resume is not appropriate. It is always sensible to prepare a simple yet eye-catching resume without any grammatical errors.
  • Not properly Dressed: Impression matters in an interview. Students should dress up in formal attire with least accessories. While boys are recommended to go for a clean-shaven look, girls need to tie up hair in a bun or ponytail. Students are also advised not to wear any strong perfume.
  • Improper Body Language: Revealing the character of the candidates, body language demonstrates true personality. Recruiters often notice how the candidates carry out and represent themselves during the interview. Some common etiquettes to focus on are as follows:


  • Ask before entering the room.
  • Sit only after being told to.
  • Sit only on the seat reserved for the candidate.
  • Don’t drag the chair or table unnecessarily.
  • Don’t put hands over the table while talking. It is also improper and impolite to wave or move hands during the conversation.
  • Say ‘Thank You’ before leaving.
  • Try to maintain a smiling face throughout the interview.


  • Lack of Research about the Company: Students often forget to do proper homework before appearing for recruitment. Apart from adequate knowledge and information about the company students should also know about the profile offered by the company. It is always good to go through the internet to know about the market performance, products, and services of the company.
  • Giving Less Priority to Projects and Internships: Most often students to ignore or take lightly the internship. In the current scenario where experienced candidates are considered as liable assets by the company, having an internship experience highlights the candidate before the recruiters making him/her stand out from the rest of the crowd.
  • Not Boosting up Communication Skills: Sometimes students with good career graphs and high performance in aptitude and arithmetic rounds get discarded because of poor communication skills. Good verbal communication always accentuates a candidate in the eyes of the recruiters.

Life is like a rollercoaster ride and opportunities surface up for those who wait and prepare themselves accordingly. What matters most is not to get disheartened by the failures but to work upon the skills to perform better in the subsequent attempt. There is always a next time. Good Luck!!!

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