National level workshop on Research Issues in Computer Science & Engineering , conducted at Ballari lnstitule of Technology & Management (BlTM)
Workshop Objectives:
- To introduce and discuss emerging challenging Research Issued in the domain of Computer Science & Engineering and lnfonnation Technology.
- To promote research activities cultured among faculty members of engineering colleges and Institutes
- To provide a platform for Ph.D students to discuss their on-going researchwork.
- To form Interdisciplinary research groups across variouss Institutes and universities.
- To provide the opportunities for the research aspirants,PG students who have plans to register for research in the near future
- To collaborate with industries and acadamicians to solve the Engineering problems.
Registration Details for National level workshop on Research Issues in Comp Science & Engineering 2015
(Includes Courseware,Working Lunch and Tea) Acadamicians/Industry Participants : Rs.1000
UG/PG/PhD Students :Rs. 800
Interested participants from Industry, Colleges and Research Institutes are requested to fill the registration form and send the same to the Coordinator. Registration fee will be accepted through Demand Draft drawn in favour of "Director, BITM, Ballari" payable at Ballari along with the completed registration from. Registration fee does not includes trunsportation and accommodation charges.
Last date for Receipt of Registration form with DD
25 March 2015
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