Scientifically Proven Ways to Study Better for the Competitive exams

The students preparing for competitive exams like NEET, JEE, CA CPT and others are asked to do ‘Smart work’ more than ‘hard work.’ During this process, most of the students face an enormous amount of stress as they have various subjects to learn within a short span of time. The students can overcome those challenges as there are scientific methods to decrease the stress when dealing with competitive examinations.  Every day, the researchers are providing us with some scientific facts to help the students in learning concepts without getting stressed. So, we have enlisted a few innovative methods which will help you stay focused and ace competitive examination without fear. 

Following Ivan Pavlov’s Method of Classical Conditioning

The theory of Ivan Pavlov states that the classical conditioning method defines the behaviourism of an organism. The theory states that the brain stimulates both conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. But, we can use this logic to train our mental activity to process information through conditioned stimulus. So, if we study the same subject at the same time at the same place, the brain gets trained accordingly. If students are following the time duration without discontinuing then the brain will get trained to focus on the specified subject. Even if you hate the subject, the training of mental behaviour can bring positive impact in your preparation.

Connect the dots

Actually, you don’t need to sit in front of the book for long hours as you will start losing your focus and interest on the particular subject. It is better, for the students to make connections instead of memorising the concepts. So, if you know that contextual learning where the students can customise the learning process by visual representations like pie charts, simplifying concepts & understanding information and also try explaining the facts to your friends which will ease your preparation. But, do not try to pour loads of information within a day. After every one hour, make sure you take 15 minutes to revise those concepts which you have studies.

Take Practice Tests

Most of the students appearing for competitive exams like NEET, CA CPT, JEE and others have to ensure that they are able to complete exams within the time period. So, learn the art of time management, the students have to persistently keep undertaking mock exams. When solving the previous year’s question paper, it will make you expert in completing the test on time and also clear the test. Most of these questions tend to repeat every year and solving the previous year question paper can give you an upper hand in cracking the exams with ease. A research study states that the students who practice frequently tend to perform better than their peers who do not take a practice test.

Keep the distractive material away from your reach

Mostly, with the advent of social media and smart phones, it has really become difficult for the students to leave them aside when studying. When focusing on a particular subject and also your Smartphone make your brain to undergo an enormous amount of stress. The major reason is that you have got addicted to those and it is difficult to keep them away. But, instead, you can keep an allotted time to check update. And, if you cultivate this you will develop some self-control, which will help you in the long run.

Finally, Relax

During the preparation process, it is better to take breaks in between as it will calm your mind and relaxes the brain muscles.  During these breaks, researchers prefer that the students keep their eyes closed, and try to intake and exhale fresh air. It is a form of meditation which instantly makes your body calm. And don’t need to become nocturnal species on the eve of the exam as you have to ensure that you have 7-8 hrs of sleep. This helps to decrease the amount of stress before the exam. The late night study also sends students into depression and it’s better to keep calm instead of reading new concepts.

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