The trains and interstate bus services from Bangalore are always crowded in the Friday evening. Recently, the travel agencies were surprised with the same kind of weekend-rush or may be more than that for a Thursday evening, even though there was no holidays were announced in that particular weekend. Most of these extra-added travelers were fresh engineering graduates from the nearby states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. A curious case of a serious cheating unfolds here.
They all packed their bags from their hometowns to the IT – Hub, with an offer letter from anonymous IT Startup Company based in Bangalore. Interestingly, most of them had failed to get placement from their campuses and were desperately waiting for an opening in anywhere. The company exploited the desperation of these fresh graduates and sacked them by offering a lucrative paycheck of Rs. 20, 000 per month. However, the company had a tricky demand to give this job. Candidates had to pay a caution deposit of Rs. 25, 000 in the company’s account. With this fake offer, the company recruited thousands of students from various places from South-India through off campus drives and brought them to Bangalore in the name of training. The happy bunch of trainees arrived in Bangalore and they attended the training classes without knowing that their happiness will not last for long. In a span of one month, the people behind the recruitment vanished without leaving any hint to follow. Apart from the bank account where the students deposited their valuable money, whatever happened was a fake adaption of real recruiting. However, for the victims of this cheating, it was a late realization.
This is not a fable, which has been written by a wicked dreamer, it is a true incident but with a tragic end. If someone decides to delve more about such incidents, he/she can find many in various cities as faking like a recruiter is not a new idea in the market. While the numbers of such faulty coins are rising steadily, only one thing can help the students from becoming a victim; it is nothing but one’s own willpower to wait for the true opportunities.
Do not lose Hope
In this highly competitive world, many graduates believe that, if they failed to get a good job from campus, then their life will become miserable. They need to understand that campus placements are only one among the many opportunities for the students to get a job immediately after their studies. Therefore, one who could not find a job at the end of their graduation should always keep their hopes alive. There are many companies in the world, who need fresh talents. However, they are not ready to knock the campus doors for that. Students can use the help of their seniors in finding such companies. It is a safer route than approaching any job consultancies.
After listing out the companies, who are hiring fresh graduates, write to the company directly stating the interest level in working with them. While writing to them, do not simply attach the resume and say you look forward to hear back from them. Instead of that, ask for a conversation and if the luck favors some will respond. Even if no one responds, it is not a failure again - there are many more paths to travel.
An individual can become entrepreneur, politician, creative worker and many more. However, if that individual studied engineering, then he/she should choose IT sector or some other technology job, which will pay like IT sector – one of the many unwritten rules in the modern society, which is not valid anymore . It is true that, IT companies recruit largely from campuses and pay fat paychecks to the employees. However, it does not mean that, they are the only job providers in the country. An engineering graduate can hit upon many more avenues. However, until individual finds his/her actual potential, these avenues will always remain hidden from them.