Find your Passion and the Rest will Follow

It is becoming an increasing trend for students to opt for an MBA program without understanding the relevance of the degree. This is the result of an existing belief that an MBA degree is the gateway to an illustrious life and spare change. The emphasis on passion is completely lost with this transgression. This causes a disruption in the output of graduates from the numerous institutes all over the country. If there is a passion to do something then the output will reflect the hard work put in by the individual. This is not specific to any course or industry – it holds true in all aspects of life. Once the passion in the field is identified, the individual will be forced to work towards perfection irrespective of the course, field or caliber of work. This is easier said than done but if we all work towards achieving our aspirations and follow our passions then our lives will become much more fruitful.
For the B-School aspirants who have just cleared their under graduate study and are looking to enroll into MBA programs, HER has come up with its first B-school survey – Beyond IIMs, B-School Survey 2014. The survey will make the choice for the students slightly easier as our country alone holds over 3000 B-Schools today. The survey aims to help the student community to broaden their horizons and grasp opportunities beyond the IIMs, while helping them select the right colleges. The survey has categorized institutes on the parameters of College Credentials, Academic Excellence, Selection Process & Batch Profile, Infrastructure & Facilities, and the all important Placements. The details of each parameter are explained on page no. 22.
This issue also Covers Great Lakes Institute of Management as the Cover Feature, an institute that began its journey by inculcation the values of the west and integrating them in the home soil. The B-School associates with industry giants such as Ratan Tata and many others.
We hope that this issue will prove to be a comprehensive guide to B-School aspirants and onlookers to make the right choice for their future.
For the B-School aspirants who have just cleared their under graduate study and are looking to enroll into MBA programs, HER has come up with its first B-school survey – Beyond IIMs, B-School Survey 2014. The survey will make the choice for the students slightly easier as our country alone holds over 3000 B-Schools today. The survey aims to help the student community to broaden their horizons and grasp opportunities beyond the IIMs, while helping them select the right colleges. The survey has categorized institutes on the parameters of College Credentials, Academic Excellence, Selection Process & Batch Profile, Infrastructure & Facilities, and the all important Placements. The details of each parameter are explained on page no. 22.
This issue also Covers Great Lakes Institute of Management as the Cover Feature, an institute that began its journey by inculcation the values of the west and integrating them in the home soil. The B-School associates with industry giants such as Ratan Tata and many others.
We hope that this issue will prove to be a comprehensive guide to B-School aspirants and onlookers to make the right choice for their future.