The official reports from the IIT – Khargpur shows that around 1,010 students of the campus accepted job offers in the first round of placements that ended in December. IIT officials said, Kharagpur has achieved a new record with the maximum number of students getting placed in the IIT system in one phase. At IIT Mumbai, there were 900 offers while IIT Delhi got close to 750 offers and IIT Kanpur had around 700 offers. "The programs not only demonstrated acceptability by the industries, but projected the vision of IIT-Kharagpur for launching novel initiatives," says Prof. Sudhir Kumar Barai, in-charge of training and placement, of the institute.
In addition to big names like Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Shell, Deutsche Bank, ITC, Schlumberger, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Abbott and EXL, start-ups like Flipkart and were the ones who made multiple offers in dual figures. The highest package offered was from a US-based company that has signed an IITian for an annual salary of around 77 lakh Rupees and the highest domestic package was of Rs.37 lakhs.
Two new dual degree programs, Financial Engineering and Engineering Entrepreneurship, proved to be a big hit with placement of 85 percent from the courses. Prof. Barai says that another 79 engineering students have accepted pre-placement offers from other companies. The numbers of companies offering placements have also increased this year with 195 organizations visiting the institute.