KCG College of Technology: Igniting the Modern Minds

S. Divya, an ordinary girl with a gratifying passion, is in the third year of her Engineering program. With the initial career fog hindering her focus, she was just one among many engineering students when she joined KCG College of Technology, Chennai. During her studies in the KCG campus, the faculties and counseling team assisted her to find her true north. The path on which they set her did not lead towards the plethora of opportunities that an engineer can grab from this highly mechanical world, but, towards the mass of people who are in need. With an enormous support of college management and her college mates, she founded an NGO organization to educate the poor children who missed out on the fortune of going to a good school. "Education is the basic need of every child. I always wanted to do something for the kids who do not get the opportunity to be educated. However, that passion was hidden in me and my teachers and the counseling team of my college helped me find what I really wanted to be," says Divya, who likes to spend her weekends with the kids at 'Anaikkum Karangal,'an orphanage located in Chennai accompanied by volunteers of her NGO organization named 'SinthanaiSei'.
For Divya, social work is not the solitary interest in her life. The third year student of KCG college of Technology plays for her college volleyball team that took the runner-up trophy of Anna University intra-college volleyball tournament and more than that, she is an academically brilliant student. "It is unfortunate that the present society consider students as mark scoring machines. In our time we had the exposure to become good engineers and we are trying to imbibe that old culture here with the modern facilities," says Dr. T. Rengaraja, Principal, KCG College of Technology.
The culture of KCG is evident from the words of Dr. T. Rengaraja. It is nothing but, providing the exact exposure to the students by maintaining a proper guidance. With that in mind, the college has initiated an entrepreneurship cell, which caters all the needs of budding engineers who have dreams of founding their own organizations. Divya is one among the many who benefited from this initiative. The entrepreneurship cell not only helps the students with ideas, but also encourages the students to come up with newer concepts.They also conduct many workshops and events that ignite the minds of students to think about being a job provider rather than a job seeker. KCG Bazaar is one such event that conducts in the campus to promote entrepreneurship among the students. Through this event, the management provides an opportunity to their student to setup a stall in the campus premises where they can sell their products. Apart from learning the ropes of entrepreneurship by running their business on campus, majority of the students consider their stalls as ventures that can carry forward by their juniors in the future time. The college management also supports the ventures of students by providing funding to expand their stalls to a commercial level business.
Even though, students are the major contributors and leaders of events that are taking place in the campus, there is a massive backing of faculties to make sure a friction less atmosphere during the program. The faculties of KCG act as the real fillers to the inexperience of student while conducting big events like international seminars and symposiums. "We do not have single faculty with undergraduate degree. All the faculty members have postgraduate qualification and they have seen the life much deeper than a fresh undergraduate teacher could have seen," says Dr. T. Rengaraja, who is always proud about building such an extra-ordinary team of faculties.
The collaborative efforts of faculty and students have made KCG an event-driven campus. Regardless of the schedule, many events take place in the campus on a weekly basis. However, the management ensures that the students are not misusing this freedom. They always maintain strong relationship with the parents to notify them of their wards life inside the campus. "If you are looking for a college where your only aim is to enjoy your life without doing anything constructive then this is not the campus for you. Here we have freedom to do 'anything' we need but that 'anything' should be something useful," says Nitin Mathew, a final year postgraduate student of KCG, who came all the way from Kerala and spent six years of his life at this campus to complete his under graduation and post graduation. Students like Divya and Nitin Mathew have shined for a reason. KCG is the place where they realized what they really wanted from their lives. It is the brilliance in the institute that brings out the best in its students and it has been doing it since 1998.
'SinthanaiSei' – Think Deeply
'SinthanaiSei,' which means 'Think Deeply,' is an NGO organization founded by S. Divya, a third year student of KCG College of Technology. The prime focus of the organization is to help underprivilidged kids. Divya, along with her more than 70 volunteers managed to provide notebooks, stationeries, bags and shoes to 40 kids at Anaikkum Karangal,' an orphanage located in Chennai. They also celebrate most of the festivals with children in the "Annaikum karangal" orphanage. On Diwali, they sponsored Rs 32,000 worth crackers and on Christmas, one of their volunteers dressed up as Santa clause, presented gifts to the kids and the day ended with biriyani feast sponsored by one of their staffs. KCT College appreciated works of 'SinthanaiSei' by presenting "Touching lives- Social Causes Award."
For Divya, social work is not the solitary interest in her life. The third year student of KCG college of Technology plays for her college volleyball team that took the runner-up trophy of Anna University intra-college volleyball tournament and more than that, she is an academically brilliant student. "It is unfortunate that the present society consider students as mark scoring machines. In our time we had the exposure to become good engineers and we are trying to imbibe that old culture here with the modern facilities," says Dr. T. Rengaraja, Principal, KCG College of Technology.
The culture of KCG is evident from the words of Dr. T. Rengaraja. It is nothing but, providing the exact exposure to the students by maintaining a proper guidance. With that in mind, the college has initiated an entrepreneurship cell, which caters all the needs of budding engineers who have dreams of founding their own organizations. Divya is one among the many who benefited from this initiative. The entrepreneurship cell not only helps the students with ideas, but also encourages the students to come up with newer concepts.They also conduct many workshops and events that ignite the minds of students to think about being a job provider rather than a job seeker. KCG Bazaar is one such event that conducts in the campus to promote entrepreneurship among the students. Through this event, the management provides an opportunity to their student to setup a stall in the campus premises where they can sell their products. Apart from learning the ropes of entrepreneurship by running their business on campus, majority of the students consider their stalls as ventures that can carry forward by their juniors in the future time. The college management also supports the ventures of students by providing funding to expand their stalls to a commercial level business.
Even though, students are the major contributors and leaders of events that are taking place in the campus, there is a massive backing of faculties to make sure a friction less atmosphere during the program. The faculties of KCG act as the real fillers to the inexperience of student while conducting big events like international seminars and symposiums. "We do not have single faculty with undergraduate degree. All the faculty members have postgraduate qualification and they have seen the life much deeper than a fresh undergraduate teacher could have seen," says Dr. T. Rengaraja, who is always proud about building such an extra-ordinary team of faculties.
The collaborative efforts of faculty and students have made KCG an event-driven campus. Regardless of the schedule, many events take place in the campus on a weekly basis. However, the management ensures that the students are not misusing this freedom. They always maintain strong relationship with the parents to notify them of their wards life inside the campus. "If you are looking for a college where your only aim is to enjoy your life without doing anything constructive then this is not the campus for you. Here we have freedom to do 'anything' we need but that 'anything' should be something useful," says Nitin Mathew, a final year postgraduate student of KCG, who came all the way from Kerala and spent six years of his life at this campus to complete his under graduation and post graduation. Students like Divya and Nitin Mathew have shined for a reason. KCG is the place where they realized what they really wanted from their lives. It is the brilliance in the institute that brings out the best in its students and it has been doing it since 1998.
'SinthanaiSei' – Think Deeply
'SinthanaiSei,' which means 'Think Deeply,' is an NGO organization founded by S. Divya, a third year student of KCG College of Technology. The prime focus of the organization is to help underprivilidged kids. Divya, along with her more than 70 volunteers managed to provide notebooks, stationeries, bags and shoes to 40 kids at Anaikkum Karangal,' an orphanage located in Chennai. They also celebrate most of the festivals with children in the "Annaikum karangal" orphanage. On Diwali, they sponsored Rs 32,000 worth crackers and on Christmas, one of their volunteers dressed up as Santa clause, presented gifts to the kids and the day ended with biriyani feast sponsored by one of their staffs. KCT College appreciated works of 'SinthanaiSei' by presenting "Touching lives- Social Causes Award."