LPU Students started 50 plus Entrepreneurial Projects in 2013-14

Over the past year a large number of institutions and universities have been encouraging their students become entrepreneurs. The best example on this topic is that Lovely Professional University (LPU) students have started more than 50 entrepreneurial projects during the session 2013-14. The examples of entrepreneurship among students are in different domains. Some of the businesses started by students include: My Radio campus: LPU ON AIR; Wannabuy; N-Books; Chinese Corner, Froot-Shoot; Go-Sporty and many more. To ensure entrepreneurship among students, LPU is providing hands-on experience to students through various workshops, lectures, interactions and more.
Determined to elevate the level of thinking and attitude of university students, LPU Chancellor Ashok Mittal said, \"No doubt, our students are enjoying great placement in almost all sectors, IT, consultancy, architecture, pharmacy and more with super global brands. However, the growing trend among creative students is to be job creators than to be job-seekers. We want to promote entrepreneurship amongst our students, and therefore have setup the \'University Incubation Centre\'.\" He further explained that the University has setup various workshops on entrepreneurship where young entrepreneurs are invited and have interactive sessions with the students. The topics covered in these are on how to register a company, how to market, or how to make the system more efficient.
Determined to elevate the level of thinking and attitude of university students, LPU Chancellor Ashok Mittal said, \"No doubt, our students are enjoying great placement in almost all sectors, IT, consultancy, architecture, pharmacy and more with super global brands. However, the growing trend among creative students is to be job creators than to be job-seekers. We want to promote entrepreneurship amongst our students, and therefore have setup the \'University Incubation Centre\'.\" He further explained that the University has setup various workshops on entrepreneurship where young entrepreneurs are invited and have interactive sessions with the students. The topics covered in these are on how to register a company, how to market, or how to make the system more efficient.