Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering: Offering the True Essence of Business Studies

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Education is a passion for Rajesh Chouta, the Chairman of Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering (MITE). Indeed, his involvement and leadership has made all the difference to the institute since its establishment in 2007. Chouta says, "At MITE, students are taken through a sheer experience in business management. What we provide here is a two-year long experience in handling real life business situations, rather than taking them through mere classroom teachings." Understanding the importance of teamwork in today's business scenarios, MITE has created several student-driven clubs like Finance Club, HR Club, CSR Club and ECO Club in the campus, helping the students and teachers to become more familiar with each other and learn how to work together.

Despite being affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, MITE has been able to bring many innovative training methodologies by breaking the stagnancy of a prescribed curriculum. One of them is Employability Skill Development Program (ESDP) where the students undergo a structured set of training by external and internal experts, which involves development of skills like communication, group discussion and interview techniques, analytical and reasoning ability, business etiquettes and so on.MITE has established an incubation center in the campus that provides an environment for the startups to flourish, adjust to the business environment, compete and establish themselves in the league.

"Every day situation at the college is also used as examples to demonstrate to the students about real life problems and possible solutions. Our academic projects and assignments are designed to impart practical learning for students," says Chouta. Overall, MBA at MITE can be considered as a pre-job training, not as an extension of an Undergraduate program. Additionally, the Saturdays at the institute are dedicated to the students to meet a successful, practicing manager from the industry. "From the day one, we start grooming our students to take on the role of a manager, so that they can start working from the day one when they enter into the industry," adds Chouta.

As the industry becomes demanding year after year, MITE has been quite active in growing through linkages with industry and institutes of global repute. Presently, the institute is having collaborations with MDIS Singapore, Infosys Campus Connect Advance Partner, Google Student Ambassador (GSA) Program and Binghamton University, New York.

A Stepping Stone for the Budding Entrepreneurs

MITE has established an incubation center in the campus that provides an environment for the startups to flourish, adjust to the business environment, compete and establish themselves in the league. The incubation center at MITE helps entrepreneurs with state-of-the-art infrastructure, mentors and training. MITE Incubation Center has also been selected as one amongst 10 Incubations by the State Govt of Karnataka for Funding of INR 1.2 Crores for a period of three years to support Entrepreneurship. The institution encourages students to be part of these ventures, which in turn provides the students a real time experience of the industry projects and practices. The emphasis here is not only limited to Tech startup, but the institution also provides a venue for lateral ideas that are worth exploring. Chouta proudly explains, "Pace Wisdom Solutions (PWS) is a mobile app development company, co-founded by two of our alumni members. With a development center in our campus, PWS has 80+ clients spread across ten countries worldwide. PWS also grooms a lot of young talent at our institute, right from their second year."

The institution exploits the experience of incubates for the best of the students by organizing a series of talks, workshops, Hackathons and Conclaves in the campus. MITE also has been organizing a Startup meet every year since 2015, which has already witnessed more than 25 startups participating and sharing experiences. The management has taken an ardent interest in supporting students' innovative projects that would in turn lead to the creation of knowledge. "We have extended technical, monetary and emotional support to projects like Eco-Kart, Go-Kart, Formula 3 Cars that have bought laurels in national and international events right from the scratch. Our labs are also open 24x7 for the students," claims Chouta.

MITE intends to go more and more student-centric in the coming years. "Education or management training at MITE will ultimately become very individual specific where each one is assessed for his/her strengths and weaknesses and the shortcomings are supplemented with specific inputs. We intend to impart specific management skills in people so that they can look at incubating their own ideas at the institute and spin-off as a start-up in the near future," concludes Chouta.

Rajesh Chouta, Chairman

Rajesh Chouta is a man with a vision. He is a man who chased success and achieved it. As a bright and enthusiastic Electronics and Communications Engineering Graduate, he joined the highly reputed company ABB, Bangalore and started his professional career. Later, after two years, he quit ABB and started his own venture, Digital Systems in Mangalore in 1995. This was followed with IIHT, the Hardware and Training Network centre in 1997. The ever-growing need for Professional Engineering and Management Education to meet the escalating demands made Rajesh Chouta think about establishing Quality Educational Institutions. This resulted in the foundation of Rajalaxmi Education Trust. Under its wings functions Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering at Moodabidri, Karnataka, started in the year 2007-08. As a man of constant striving Rajesh Chouta is not willing to rest on his laurels. His eyes have been set on the horizon to achieve more and to mould a better tomorrow for his fellow humans.

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