Need for a Revolution to Change the System

By 2030, India will be amongst the youngest nations in the world. With nearly 140 million people in the college-going age group, one in every four graduates in the world will be a product of the Indian education system. Over the last two decades, India has remarkably transformed its higher education landscape. However, the local standard of education still cannot match up to the global touchstone. A National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) study showed that 90 percent of the colleges and 70 percent of the universities that the council graded were of average or poor quality. As a country that has one of the largest number of employable youths in the globe, it is imperative that we provide quality education to our youth in order for them to have successful careers.
Despite what appears to be a changing landscape of high rise buildings and institutes operating more like corporate offices than centers of knowledge, one evil remains. A deep seated mythos about tradition exists in the administration of our institutions that restrains them from reaching out and utilizing resources, which would help them improve themselves, simply because that is not the way things are done. For instance, extending the curriculum through mobile devices, engaging through game based learning, personal learning environments, digital content free for all. These are few radical techniques that could completely change the way knowledge is transferred.
Inevitably, by 2030 every fourth graduate will be churned out from one of our institutions, therefore it is in the best interest of our future generations that we start taking steps now in order for our successors to be able stand toe to toe with their competitors worldwide.
The \"Top 25 Private/Deemed Universities in India\" Survey hopes to guide the large community of students in India and their parents to enable them to choose the best universities themselves to pursue the course of their choice. This issue also features a powerhouse group of institutions - Don Bosco Group of Institutions that hosted 150+ on campus drives last year with a participation of 200+ top recruiters lined up for hiring the fresh talents from the institute by offering paychecks ranging between 3 lakhs to 9 lakhs per annum.
We hope this proves to be helpful to you.
Rectification: The article on Universal Group of Institutions on page 62 of March issue erroneously reported that Dr. Gurpreet Singh has over 27 years of experience while he has over 10 years of experience. The error is regretted.
Despite what appears to be a changing landscape of high rise buildings and institutes operating more like corporate offices than centers of knowledge, one evil remains. A deep seated mythos about tradition exists in the administration of our institutions that restrains them from reaching out and utilizing resources, which would help them improve themselves, simply because that is not the way things are done. For instance, extending the curriculum through mobile devices, engaging through game based learning, personal learning environments, digital content free for all. These are few radical techniques that could completely change the way knowledge is transferred.
Inevitably, by 2030 every fourth graduate will be churned out from one of our institutions, therefore it is in the best interest of our future generations that we start taking steps now in order for our successors to be able stand toe to toe with their competitors worldwide.
The \"Top 25 Private/Deemed Universities in India\" Survey hopes to guide the large community of students in India and their parents to enable them to choose the best universities themselves to pursue the course of their choice. This issue also features a powerhouse group of institutions - Don Bosco Group of Institutions that hosted 150+ on campus drives last year with a participation of 200+ top recruiters lined up for hiring the fresh talents from the institute by offering paychecks ranging between 3 lakhs to 9 lakhs per annum.
We hope this proves to be helpful to you.
Rectification: The article on Universal Group of Institutions on page 62 of March issue erroneously reported that Dr. Gurpreet Singh has over 27 years of experience while he has over 10 years of experience. The error is regretted.