Rose-Hulman Institute Of Technology: Imparting Quality STEM Education In An Environment Of Individual Attention And Support

Deepshikha Singh
STEM education isn't just about getting a degree, or even about getting a job. Today, STEM education is taking what you learn and applying it to what you're passionate about. Driven by this objective is Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (, an institute set up with a mission to provide students with the world's best undergraduate science, engineering, and mathematics education in an environment of individual attention and support. Founded by businessman Chauncey Rose in 1874, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (then Rose Polytechnic Institute) has thrived under the dedicated leaders whose vision has propelled the institute from its beginnings as a little-known, all-male engineering college to a world-class institution on the leading edge of engineering education in the United States.

"The promise that Rose-Hulman makes to all students is that they will be challenged, they will be supported, and they will be given access to the greatest opportunities in the world upon graduation"

Ranked as the No. 1 undergraduate engineering school in the U.S. for 21 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report, Rose-Hulman has five academic departments also ranked No. 1 by the publication Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering while their Biomedical Engineering is ranked No. 2. The school also offers majors in Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Software Engineering, Engineering Management, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Data Science, Engineering Design, Physics and Optical Engineering, and has a strong curriculum in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Arts. "Our unique combination of academic excellence, invaluable hands-on experience, one-to-one mentoring, classes taught by world-class faculty, and access to advanced labs and equipment is why U.S.News and World Report, Fisk Guide, Princeton Review and other publications consistently rank Rose-Hulman among the top undergraduate engineering colleges in the United States", speaks Jared Goulding, Associate Director for Graduate and International Admissions, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

"The Students Of Rose-Hulman Institute Of Technology Have Access To Labs, State-Of-The-Art Equipment, And Hands-On Projects Starting From Their First Year Which Students At Most Other Schools Don't Experience Until Later In Their Undergraduate Or Even Graduate Studies"

Today, the students of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology have access to labs, state-of-the-art equipment, and hands-on projects starting from their first year which students at most other schools don't experience until later in their undergraduate or even graduate studies. Rose-Hulman has two innovation centres the Branam and Kremer Innovation Centres that offer 30,000 square feet of innovation and maker space where student competition teams can huddle ahead of intense competitions, clubs can unveil new innovations, and individual students tweak their latest projects. The spaces are alive with activity, with wide-open workspaces where students collaborate across majors and bring their ideas to life.

Opening New Windows of Opportunities for International Students

Rose-Hulman welcomes students from around the world. The presence of international students on its campus has helped them realize the breadth and depth of differences in the world. Through interaction with different people, not only does the school learn about different ways of living, but they also learn more about themselves. The International students are offered support services which include English as a Second Language instruction (ESL), an International Student Services Office to assist international students with immigration issues, cross-cultural counselling, and other personal situations, and an active International Student Association.

Highlighting on this, Jared Goulding mentions, "Today, engineers and scientists of the future need cross-cultural competencies which will enable them to work and live productively in a variety of settings. At Rose-Hulman, every international student is provided two career services counsellors: one specifically for international students to ensure they meet all the requirements placed on them to secure employment in the United States, and one specific to the student's major to ensure they have a connected mentor helping them to network with the right executives and alumni at their targeted corporations. This has led to a 100 percent placement of international students in our most recently reported annual placement report."

Rose-Hulman also organizes international student orientation which is a large and exciting program to welcome their incoming international first-year and transfer students to the Rose-Hulman community. Students arrive on campus ahead of returning students, so that they have time to get to know the school and become familiar with the campus and the resources that are available.

Continuously Striving towards Making Students Industry-Ready

Rose-Hulman is a small, welcoming community of approximately 2,000 undergraduate students. The personal attention that each student receives from the faculty, staff, their peers and from the variety of services offered by the school are major differentiators between Rose-Hulman and other colleges. Operating on an open-door approach, Rose-Hulman makes itself available for students outside the normal classroom hours, allowing personal interactions with their students. "At Rose-Hulman, your faculty will know your name. We have a student-to-faculty ratio of 11:1 and four of our faculty are already listed in the Princeton Review Best 300 Professors. Ninety seven percent of faculty at Rose-Hulman have Ph.Ds and 95 percent are full-time teaching faculty. Our professors ensure that the students learn the real-world applications, starting on Day-1", avers Jared.

Today, 94 percent of all students at Rose-Hulman complete at least one internship, 70 percent complete two and 31 percent complete three or more internships before graduation. All of the internships are paid internships where students can earn up to $25 per hour. Rose-Hulman is training the next industry leaders in the sciences, engineering and mathematics. "For our students to be successful in the industry, they need to be comfortable, able to communicate with others and understand different cultures. By working side-by-side with diverse students in the classrooms and labs, we're building a competitive advantage for those students. Once in the industry, having former classmates who have those global connections is a tremendous asset for those graduates", adds Jared.

Today, Rose-Hulman alumni from India have gone on to work for such well-known companies as Boston Scientific, Valeo, Elanco, Cummins, Microsoft, Tesla and Collins Aerospace in roles ranging from process engineer to structural analysis to software developer, and have gone on to graduate school at institutions like Yale, Carnegie Mellon and Brown.

Redefining the Lives of Learners

Once all-male college, Rose-Hulman went coeducational in 1995. In 2017, the Hulman family and Rose-Hulman reached an agreement for the institute to acquire an additional 1,100 acres of land just south of campus and plans are being put into place now for how to most effectively use that space to serve the needs of the campus. Rose-Hulman alumni have often been at the forefront of innovation, excellence and making the world a better place. They have made significant contributions in their fields that have left a lasting impact and are still shaping the world today, from developing the colour TV and semiconductor, to working on space flight projects.

In India, Rose-Hulman has started actively recruiting students in 2013 and a representative has visited the country every year since. While in the country, Rose-Hulman representatives have visited schools and students in the cities of New Delhi, Gurugram, Mumbai, Pune, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Bengaluru with more locations planned for the future. Students from India now comprise the second-largest group of international students at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

For the international students willing to study in US, Jared Goulding says, "You, your parents or your friends may have heard about certain universities in the United States, but that does not mean any of those institutions are the right place for you. There is so much for you to consider in finding the right institution. Large or small classes, Competitive or collaborative learning, Urban or rural setting, Faculty or graduate students teaching, Graduate or undergraduate focus, Food, activities, climate, and placement outcomes, there are a lot of factors included in the decision of finding your future home. The promise we make to all Rose-Hulman students is that they will be challenged, they will be supported, and they will be given access to the greatest opportunities in the world upon graduation."

Rose-Hulman envisions inspiring graduates and preparing them for lives of purpose and success, defining and solving the problems of a complex global society, and that Rose-Hulman will be a lifelong partner with their graduates and a recognized global leader in science, engineering, and mathematics education and the Board of Trustees, president Robert A. Coons, and Cabinet members are committed to continuing and building upon Rose-Hulman's legacy of excellence.

Jared Goulding, Associate Director For Graduate And International Admissions

Jared Goulding, has been with Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology since 2005. In 2009, Jared was assigned the admissions and recruitment of international students and the total enrolment of international students has increased by over 850 percent during his tenure. He has visited schools and students in India, China, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Canada, Thailand, Korea, Costa Rica, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Chile, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Qatar, Indonesia, Colombia, and Kuwait. He is an active member of the International Association for College Admission Counselling-previously serving as a member of the Finance Committee.

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