Sir J. J. College of Architecture

Sir J.J College of Architecture, Mumbai is considered to be one of the foremost institutions of Architecture in India and is a recognized college of architecture all over the world. The origin can be traced to the founding of a draftsman's class, started with a view to produce men with a practical and really useful knowledge, fit to be employed in an architect's office attached to the Sir J.J School of Arts in 1896, set up in 1857 by the erstwhile government of Bombay from the grants made by the philanthropist Sir Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy, the first Baronet of Bombay. The course was re-organized in 1913 to make it suitable for training in Architecture, and the government Diploma examination in Architecture was held subsequently. The entire course was again re-organized in 1936 and was made into a full time five-year course. In 1952, the department of Architecture was affiliated to the University of Bombay for teaching the courses leading to the degree of Architecture.