St. Peter's Engineering College: Making the Real Change-Makers

HER Team
'A device that helps deaf-mute people in living a normal life like others' is what Vinod Kumar, a student of the St. Peter's Engineering College invented a few years back. Named as Personal Sound Box (PSB), the device is one its kind that supports people who have hearing and speaking disabilities. "He had worked for this project for more than three years and finally he found success. We are very sure that this device will bring positive changes in the lives of many. We are in a move to help the common lot by making positive contributions in their lives," says T.V. Reddy, Secretary, St. Peter's Engineering College.

Innovation is the watchword of St. Peter's Engineering College. The institute conducts regular programs wherein the Technical Fest is one that stands as a platform for the students to display their creativity in various fields. Society for Automotive Engineers is another initiative for the mechanical engineering students in which students get a space to come up with innovative ideas related to automobiles. SPEC students have proved to be very creative in such platforms. "We have an annual event conducted in which not just our students, but other college students are also motivated to come up with their ideas," says Reddy.

Further, the practical knowledge is imparted by taking the students to the industries wherein they get the live experiences related to the work environment. "Our EEE students are taken to the transmission companies like AP Genco and AP Transco to analyze and understand the related activities," shares Reddy. Students are also taken to Sri Sailam, Nagarjunasagar hydro power plant projects and even to the railway service stations to provide them with a hands-on experience about the industry works. "We do not confine our teaching within the campus. Rather, we provide our students the opportunities to explore the outer world," adds Reddy.

Along with the appropriate academic training, students are also guided in other areas in order to make them perfect professionals. "A team of eight people who are the part of placement training cell, train the students in the aptitude, technical areas and also in the soft skills," says Reddy. Communication skill is another important aspect to be a complete engineer. The college is also approached by students who come from local medium school and to support them; the college arranges special spoken English classes. In addition to it, students are also trained beyond the class hours where they are given the opportunity to face mock interviews. Hence, this apt moulding makes these students efficient professionals. For the students who prefer to be job providers, the college is also equipped with an Entrepreneurship Development Cell where the students are encouraged to come up with start-up plans.

Thus, SPEC imparts five under graduation courses and four post graduation courses in engineering with innovation in teaching learning process as the priority. "We also motivate our students for their most creative ideas through awards and remunerations," says Reddy. All the research activities are also funded by the college management. "Nowadays, most of the engineering colleges just focus on the academic results, but our focus is not just in making a valuable degree. Instead, we want our students to gain knowledge so that they can use it in their future lives," concludes Reddy.

T.V. Reddy, Secretary

He is the secretary cum correspondent of the college and St. Peter's Group of Institutions at Hyderabad. He has completed his post graduation degree in English, Economics and Education. He is the member of the governing body and various sister concerned institutes of St. Peter's Group. He is also one of the promoters of St. Peter's Group of Educational Institutions.

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