Turn your Study Abroad into an Unforgettable Experience

Most students who decide to pursue their studies abroad, plan out all the minute details which include filling applications on time, filing documents properly, ensuring that sufficient monetary funds are there, applying for the visa and when to fly to the country before the commencement of the courses of their choice. However, on completion of these processes, majority of students sit back and do not plan on what they can do to make their time memorable. Despite talking to a hundred or more people who are available on and off the internet and social media; thousands of students going abroad tend to make several mistakes after they reach the desired destination. Here are a few things that will guide you on what to do while going abroad for higher education.
1.Research on the Host Country prior to the Journey
The biggest mistake that students often commit is that they do not do any reading on the country they are going to spend the next one, two or more years in. As students are planning to study abroad, it is advised that they go over few books and websites on the country to learn vital details such as where they will be living, understand the geography and the people. It also helps in knowing what languages they speak and it is favorable if students try to converse in the local language unless the hosts prefer to speak in English.
2.Conquer the Fears and move out of your Comfort Zone
While it is pretty common to miss the family and be homesick; students should not give into their fears and should step out of their comfort zone. Since all students do not plan on settling down in the countries that they are planning to pursue their studies; there is always a countdown to return back to India. Students must forget the countdown and do everything they want to do such as conquer phobias, make lots of friends rather than sticking to a few from India, explore the country and do activities such as camping and other stuff. By stepping out of the comfort zone and conquer the fears, students will be able to have a better understanding of the host country’s culture and appreciate it.
3.Sign up for a Part Time Job
It is important to note that all foreign students are allowed to take up part time jobs for 20 hours a week (the working hours may vary for different countries). There are different types of part time jobs which may vary from working at Fast food joints to small time clerk at a small company or even a sales person. What students must realize is that these opportunities will help them earn money which they can utilize for their living expenses or for some fun filled weekend which may involve travelling, camping and other amazing activities. The part time job also gives them vital experience that may come in handy at a later stage in their lives.
4.Do Not Carry Unnecessary Baggage
When a student plans to study abroad, he or she must try to be themselves and stop carrying all their mental baggage such as "will I be able to complete my course", "will I get a good job", and "will I be able to pay back the education loan" and many others. Such questions only limit an individual's potential and avoiding such negative thoughts allow students to be themselves; it might help them realize their true dreams.
5.Document Important or Special Memories and Explore Places on Your Own
"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train," Oscar Wilde, renown Irish writer and poet. What many students forget to do when they go abroad is to travel alone and experience the culture and various other things and at the same time jot down these experiences in a journal. It is important to take in the sounds, the scenery, and make sure you are not taking this travel experience for granted. Therefore, it is important that every student should have a journal which will help chronicle their thoughts as they immerse themselves in another culture and this will probably turn into your greatest souvenir from the trip.
While it is important not to lose focus on the purpose of why you have gone abroad, it is also imperative to enjoy your stay there and learn about fun things other than your studies. It is extremely important that you do so, as you will learn a lot about yourself and at the same time become independent and maybe find a new appreciation for life.
1.Research on the Host Country prior to the Journey
The biggest mistake that students often commit is that they do not do any reading on the country they are going to spend the next one, two or more years in. As students are planning to study abroad, it is advised that they go over few books and websites on the country to learn vital details such as where they will be living, understand the geography and the people. It also helps in knowing what languages they speak and it is favorable if students try to converse in the local language unless the hosts prefer to speak in English.
2.Conquer the Fears and move out of your Comfort Zone
While it is pretty common to miss the family and be homesick; students should not give into their fears and should step out of their comfort zone. Since all students do not plan on settling down in the countries that they are planning to pursue their studies; there is always a countdown to return back to India. Students must forget the countdown and do everything they want to do such as conquer phobias, make lots of friends rather than sticking to a few from India, explore the country and do activities such as camping and other stuff. By stepping out of the comfort zone and conquer the fears, students will be able to have a better understanding of the host country’s culture and appreciate it.
3.Sign up for a Part Time Job
It is important to note that all foreign students are allowed to take up part time jobs for 20 hours a week (the working hours may vary for different countries). There are different types of part time jobs which may vary from working at Fast food joints to small time clerk at a small company or even a sales person. What students must realize is that these opportunities will help them earn money which they can utilize for their living expenses or for some fun filled weekend which may involve travelling, camping and other amazing activities. The part time job also gives them vital experience that may come in handy at a later stage in their lives.
4.Do Not Carry Unnecessary Baggage
When a student plans to study abroad, he or she must try to be themselves and stop carrying all their mental baggage such as "will I be able to complete my course", "will I get a good job", and "will I be able to pay back the education loan" and many others. Such questions only limit an individual's potential and avoiding such negative thoughts allow students to be themselves; it might help them realize their true dreams.
5.Document Important or Special Memories and Explore Places on Your Own
"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train," Oscar Wilde, renown Irish writer and poet. What many students forget to do when they go abroad is to travel alone and experience the culture and various other things and at the same time jot down these experiences in a journal. It is important to take in the sounds, the scenery, and make sure you are not taking this travel experience for granted. Therefore, it is important that every student should have a journal which will help chronicle their thoughts as they immerse themselves in another culture and this will probably turn into your greatest souvenir from the trip.
While it is important not to lose focus on the purpose of why you have gone abroad, it is also imperative to enjoy your stay there and learn about fun things other than your studies. It is extremely important that you do so, as you will learn a lot about yourself and at the same time become independent and maybe find a new appreciation for life.