University of Warwick

The idea for a university in Warwickshire was first mooted shortly after the Second World War, although it would not be founded for a further two decades. A partnership of the city and county councils ultimately provided the impetus for the university to be established on a 400-acre site jointly granted by the two authorities. Warwick is a globally connected university. Through collaborative partnerships, the university shares resources and knowledge with academic communities throughout the world. One-third of their students are from overseas and Warwick is the University of Choice for over 45 international governments and sponsoring bodies. The university has a truly cosmopolitan campus where every student is considered 'international,' which means through inter-cultural learning and experiences they equip their graduates to become successful citizens on a global stage. Every year the university welcomes more than 750 students from South Asia and currently has over 530 Indian students studying inside the campus. Entry to Warwick is competitive and according to statistics, Warwick has around ten applicants for every undergraduate seat.