Upskilling And Reskilling: Talent Acquisition For The Future Of Work

Purushotham J K
Purushotham J K, Talent Acquisition Director, Atkins
The Strategies Used to Elevate the Hiring Process with New Techniques

In today's dynamic landscape, data has emerged as a driving force behind the adoption of innovative techniques, especially in recruitment. The significance of data cannot be overstated, with data scientists and analytics playing a pivotal role. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed offer a wealth of data on diverse talent mixes, age demographics, and skill distribution in various cities across the country. Leveraging this data, organizations can develop robust strategies for targeted hiring. For instance, engineering companies may analyze the concentration of relevant disciplines in different states and localities, enabling them to identify the most suitable locations for talent acquisition. Ultimately, data serves as the crucial element empowering businesses to make informed decisions and establish effective recruitment practices. Data is undeniably the new fuel propelling these cutting-edge techniques forward.

Assessing Cultural Fit in Candidates: Beyond Technical Skills, What Qualities Do Organizations Seek

Organizations seek more than just technical skills and academic qualifications in candidates. Confidence is a crucial trait that captivates interviewers and employers alike. It empowers individuals to grow, uncover potential, and contribute positively to the company. Adaptability and teamwork are also valued attributes, especially as companies expand and foster collaboration among employees. Assessing cultural fit involves understanding a candidate's mindset regarding success and their approach to achieving it. Hypothetical questions offer insights into an individual's thought process and their inclination towards teamwork. Additionally, evaluating past achievements and examples of collaboration in projects aids in understanding a candidate's suitability for the organization. Innovative approaches to academic preparation can demonstrate creative thinking, a quality highly regarded by companies.

Building and maintaining relationships with external recruitment agencies, job boards, and other talent sources.

In fostering a successful partnership, companies can find a win-win situation with job boards and recruitment agencies, rather than treating them as competitors. Maintaining strong relationships involves providing timely feedback to agencies that invest significant effort in finding suitable candidates. This constructive communication ensures mutual productivity and progress. Attracting talented individuals necessitates sharing industry knowledge and insights, which can be achieved through discussions, forums, and informal gatherings. By offering essential information and support, companies enable agencies to efficiently identify suitable candidates. This collaborative approach creates a conducive environment for growth and success, fostering a positive and productive relationship with recruitment agencies.

Initiatives or strategies that would be effectively implemented to improve diversity within a company's workforce.

In recent times, numerous initiatives and programs have been introduced, particularly in the talent acquisition domain. Two significant endeavours stand out: the Redesign program and the Homecoming initiative. The first program specifically targets women candidates or professionals who took a career break, such as maternity leave or to care for their family members. These individuals often require extra support and personalized training to re-enter the workforce seamlessly. To accommodate their needs, flexible working arrangements, including hybrid models, are offered. The success of this program was evident when an international speaker joined an event on Facebook, attracting numerous women to explore roles within the company, known for its inclusive and supportive culture.

The second initiative, the Homecoming program, addresses the challenge of diversity talent scarcity, particularly in fields like civil and structural engineering. The company proactively reached out to former female employees who had left for various reasons, gathering them for a special event. Personal invitations were extended, encouraging them to return to the organization if they wished to do so. The company expressed its openness and flexibility, and some individuals embraced the opportunity, considering a future return.

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Both of these programs have significantly contributed to enriching the talent pool with more diversity and creating an environment that values and respects the unique needs of its workforce. By providing tailored opportunities and rekindling connections with former employees, the company has demonstrated its commitment to fostering a welcoming and inclusive workplace. These initiatives not only benefit the organization but also empower women to balance personal and professional aspirations effectively.

The most effective way to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in talent acquisition.

Staying updated on talent acquisition trends is crucial for professionals in the field. Engaging in forums and social media groups, such as SHRM and People Matters, allows individuals to access valuable insights. LinkedIn offers courses on talent attraction and recruitment, facilitating learning and understanding emerging trends. Additionally, platforms like Simplilearn and Udemy provide affordable courses on various recruitment skills and market operations. By actively participating in these opportunities, professionals can stay ahead in the ever-evolving talent acquisition landscape.

Purushotham J K, Talent Acquisition Director, Atkins

Purushotham J K, with nearly two decades of industry experience, started as a recruiter at HP and later transitioned to a Program Manager role. He then worked with Dell before joining Atkins as the Director of Recruitment for India and Asia and has also handled roles like Head of Mobility and Recruitment Shared Services. Over the last 10 years, he has demonstrated exceptional expertise in managing recruitment functions and supporting various regions

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