Once a less known field that student used to take up only when they didn't have any other option, Media & Mass Communication has reached a place today, where it should have been always. In this ever-connected world, when people from different parts of the world want to share their views and opinions with each other and know what's happening across the globe, a media professional plays a pivotal role. However, even in the present day, the mass misunderstands the role and duties of the media professional. This profession not merely is attached with gathering information and writing it down, it has gone beyond any kind of confinement. From mobile journalism to citizen journalism and social media journalism to community journalism, the horizon of journalism has grown in manifolds. Today, there is no end of mediums through which a particular message can be communicated to the public. Considering the power and ability of the media professional in reaching out to the common people in an effective manner and encouraging the national voice to be raised against any improper happening, a career in Media and Mass Communication has been given great consideration and preference among the youth. Coming out from the notion that only a career in medicine or engineering will fetch them a good stature in the society and reward them with a handsome salary, the new generation students even after earning exceptional grades in their 12th standard, are showing interest in pursuing a bachelors followed by a masters and doctoral programme in this emerging sector. Noticing the growing demand of this area of study, numerous institutions have blossomed up in recent years. Hence, to help the students to differentiate between the average and the best institute, we at the Higher Education Review have come up with the ‘10 Most Promising Media & Mass Communication Colleges in India – 2019’. The listing which has been compiled by our panel of researchers and experts comprises of Media and Mass Communication institutes that are unique in comparison to counterpart institutes in terms of having excellent faculty members, offering distinctive courses & quality education and ensuring blissful careers to their students.
Nominate College/Institute
Our subscribers play a decisive role in finalization of our annual list of "10 MOST PROMISING MEDIA AND MASS COMMUNICATION COLLEGES IN INDIA - 2019" by nominating those which have served them with excellence and are praiseworthy. If you feel there is a College/Institute that deserves to be on our annual list, do write to us about them mentioning their value proposition.