The onset of journalism was witnessed when the first newspaper in Asia, "Bengal Gazette" was published from the 'city of joy', Kolkata. Continuing the city's tradition of being the trendsetter, The Bhawanipur Education Society College (BESC) set up the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication in 2015, offering it as an Elective subject, to enhance the employability quotient of Arts graduates. The tremendous response to the subject resulted in upgrading to the Honours course in the very next year, with a view to generating the most proficient media professionals. Affiliated to the University of Calcutta, The Bhawanipur Education Society College holds a rich history of over 50 years in the education sector and prides in having cordial relations with counterpart institutions including prestigious organizations.
The college aims to impart theoretical knowledge and build leadership qualities in the students and make them employable graduates, through this undergraduate course in Journalism and Mass Communication, which admits 35 students every year. "Media today is a complex entity which provides information, bridges distances, fills all voids and makes communication at all levels immediate, graphic and substantive. A media graduate has unlimited opportunities and can choose a career from a wide range of options, right from print and electronic media to creative writing , film-making, et al. Identifying the wide scope of this discipline we launched BA Honours in Journalism & Mass Communication," says Dr. Suchandra Chakravarty, Teacher-in-Charge, The Bhawanipur Education Society College.
Considering communication as an essential component for all media students, the college provides its students with