"Animation and VFX industry in India has grown at a rate of 16.4 percent to reach a size of Rs. 59.5 billion," says a report co-authored by the industry association FICCI and consulting firm KPMG. Indeed, India has offered talent and quality services to many visual-effect-heavy movies of the Western world. Tamil Selvam, CEO of Yellow Tree Academy pinpoints that the need for Animation artists and Game Designers have increased intensely over years.
Tamil Selvam has trained more than 5000 students in the field of Animation and VFX and he wants to train individuals who are aspiring to create their own products rather than working for others imagination. "Our vision is to create a revolution in education and to spread more awareness about the prospects in the Design, Gaming and Animation Industry and to make a huge contribution to the same," shares Selvam. To enlighten the creative minds with a unique approach, Yellow Tree Academy provides a professional training catering to the industrial standards with multiple skills. Satish Kumar, Founder of Yellow Tree Academy adds, "Woven into the beginning terms of our curriculum is a strong foundation of traditional art thereby enhancing the students' abilities and giving them a better perception in this field." In 2017, the academy received 'Excellence in Education India and International' award from Indywood Film Festival.