Cover Story

Indo-German Center for Higher Education (IGCHE) Ensuring First-Class Education with Promising Career Prospects

India and Germany are top trading partners and often German and Indian companies develop and produce products hand in hand. Mutual understanding is the key if engineers work in an international environment, and this requires cultural experience and language proficiency. Understanding the importance of having professionals that can work in sync with each other, Indo-German Center for Higher Education (IGCHE) was established. IGCHE is a consortium of German universities of applied sciences which is driven by the motives of establishing premium quality bilingual bachelor programs, substantial German language training incorporated into the regular teaching schedule, and the collaboration with German companies for internship in India and in Germany. The institute strives to teach Indian...

Top 10 Universities And Colleges In Germany For Indian Students - 2020

Education And Collaboration In The Global ERA

Dr. Djuwari, Head of Research Journal Division, STIE Perbanas Surabaya - Indonesia

Key Strategies For Ensuring Teaching Excellence In Higher Education

Dr. Garry Hornby, Professor of Education, University of Plymouth, UK

Education: Learn, Unlearn & Relearn

Malahar Pinnelli, Managing Director, Ecolab Digital Center

Studying Medical Education In Europe

Akshay Chaturvedi, Founder & CEO, Leverage Edu

Change Is The Only Constant: What Is The Edtech Industry Gearing Up For Next?

Ajit. K. Chauhan, Chairman, Amity University Online and Amity Future Academy

Internationalisation Of Higher Education And Student Mobility

Shaun Star, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean, Jindal Global Law School

Need For A Restructuring In The Education System

Vivek Chachra, Country Manager (India), Harvard Business Publishing