KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode: An Abode for Learning

Janani. G., an alumnus of KSR College of Technology(KSR), is celebrating her efflorescent career at TCS, Chennai in India. The smile on her face is a result of responsibilities and appreciation she received at the workplace within a short span of time. \"It feels great to realize that the time I spent in my college, has allowed an average student like me to be able to be competitive in the real work environment,\" says Janani with a smile.
Saishree. S,who works in Wipro, Bengaluru, was not always confident and focused in her first two years of graduation. When she first joined the institute, she was a reserved, average student who did not expect much from her life. Saishree honed her confidence through various
events that she participated in during her college. Similar is the case with several other students who are not aware of their talents. All
they require is an institution that can bring out the best in everyone and provide them with an opportunity to succeed in their chosen career. It is the guidance of the institute that keeps students on the right path and allows them to excel in their chosen disciplines. Saishree, stumped everyone with her oratory and dance skills during the college fests.
\"Many students who join our institute are unaware of their talents. From day one, we engage them in several activities that help them to hone their talent and realize their hidden potential. We do this to make these students industry ready,\" says Lion Dr. K. S. Rangasamy MJF, Founder-Chairman, KSR Educational Institutions. The benefit of this unique approach is seen in the placement record of the institute\'s 2013 batch students who have been placed in some of the best enterprises in the country. TCS, Wipro, CTS, Infosys, HCL, Samsung, Rainbow, Land Marks, Igarshi Motors, Vishwa Infrastructures and TVS Groups are some of the major companies that visited the campus. \"We ensure that the
students who step into our institution are able to graduate with pride,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan, Managing Trustee and Secretary, KSR Educational Institutions.
Pre placement preparations
In this age of competition, firms simply do not go by the marks attained by the applicants. The hiring squad will expect their prospective employees to have an all-round personality. The average students who can communicate well, take up challenges, lead a team, complete tasks in given time are preferred over a student with an exemplary classroom record and poor social skills. \"As learners are provided with strong fundamentals and expertise in their chosen field, and motivated to involve actively in department associations, societies, clubs and other forums, that expose them to real-life situations help them in improving their inter-personal skills. These activities assist them to evolve as industry-ready professional,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan. \"The questions that I faced during my interview were fairly simple as I was already prepared for them. I had faced most of the situational references that they made through the various activities that I participated during my course,\" admits Naresh L.S. who works in Vishwa Infrastructures, Chennai currently.
During his time in KSR, Naresh was heavily involved in event management.In his third year, Naresh was responsible for organizing all the fests and meets in the college along with generating funds for the same from the sponsors. The recruiters found his organizational and persuasive skills quite impressive and offered him a job in the second round of the interview.
To guide students in deciding their future prospects more efficiently, KSR facilitates its students with a career center. \"We have a Career Competency Development Course starting from the Third Semester to the Seventh Semester of every program. This unique program offers an opportunity for students to attend real campus recruitment program and are given feedback on their performance,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan. This allows them to improve upon their presentation skills and body language- making them confident for the actual interviews. Students are also given guidance on choosing an area of concentration for their respective careers.
The institute houses state of the art infrastructure to support its ideologies. \"We believe in the pithy saying \'Sound mind with strong body\'. Hence, students are encouraged to cope up the academic stress by indulging them in various sports and games,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan. The Institution has a play ground, a fully equipped indoor stadium, a swimming pool, a gymnasium,and lawn tennis and basketball courts. Students have represented the college in the university, zonal, regional and state level sports, games and athletic events, and added laurels to the College as winners and runners in their respective sports and games. Students are also allowed to participate vibrantly in cultural events like dance both western and classical, music, miming and orchestra. The finalists of each event are permitted to show case their buddy talents on the annual day every year. Students\' enrollment in social bodies like National Service Scheme (NSS), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Youth Red Cross (YRC), Red Ribbon Club (RRC) and Green Compass are encouraged.
Bringing in a Fresh Perspective
\"What makes the experience of studying at KSR more special are its teachers. They supported us in every step of the way- right from our trivial activities to clubs and societies,\" says Bhuvanesh. M., a professional at Igarashi Motors, Chennai. \"I wasn\'t quite interested in anything but during our clubs and activities my mentor pointed out to me that I can do well in the field, that is where it began for me,\" he says.
Special lectures are arranged on topics related to challenges faced by youth. Experts from organizations have periodically addressed the
students between regular academic activities. Student development program is another such initiative where professors from other universities visit the campus and share their experience.
Hearing first hand experiences of industry experts helps students in drawing a better picture of the nitty-gritty of the enterprise. The college has faculty members who are an ideal blend of youth and experience. They focus on concept teaching rather than content transfer.
Faculty members are recruited based on their subject knowledge, communication and attitude to life in general and towards students in
particular and are tested in a personal interaction by the head of the department, principal and an external expert. Hiring at the lateral level allows the institute to accommodate uniquely qualified and accomplished teachers who can guide the student on every level.
The teachers play an active role in the student\'s completion of the program. \"Teaching and learning at KSR do not end in the classroom or
with the use of other modern aids,\" adds Mr. R. Srinivasan. The learners are encouraged to have free academic discussions, beyond the prescribed syllabus, with their faculty and peers as well. As learning is not forced upon them, it keeps them fresh and active. The students enjoy the benefits of \"an hour of referring the books\" other than fictions and novels both in English, vernacular and regional
languages in the library once in a week during the working hours. They are also encouraged to utilize the library and the net lab beyond class hours and weekends. Mr. K. Jothi Ramalingam, an alumnus, currently pursuing his Doctoral degree in South Korea says \"Inner depth of knowledge in my specialized area of interest has been fostered by International conferences like NANO-2010 and MAM-12. The exposure in fact not only enriched my knowledge but also made me a global researcher\". International Symposium ion Macro- and Supra-molecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-12), received contributions from more than 380 delegates which include 40 foreign delegates from 20 countries. The uniqueness of the conference was the plenary sessions chaired by 3 Nobel Laureates.
KSR institute was founded in 1984 by Lion Dr. K.S. Rangasamy MJF, a well-known philanthropist. The institute has a strong alumni network, \"It is students like Janani who act as our ambassadors. They are well placed in top firms in India as well as abroad,\" he adds. Many of the
alumni members also act as mentors for their juniors. Since its inception, KSR College of Technology has been producing success stories like Janani, Saishree, Naresh & Bhuvanesh who are not only proud to have been a part of the college but are also active alumni members. With such an impressive placement record, notable infrastructure to support the host of activities and a group of the finest teachers, places KSR on the wish list of many aspiring students. KSR today caters to over 27000 students with its 2000 faculty members including 220
doctorates in various engineering and arts disciplines with approximately 1213 supporting staff members. The staff-student ratio is 1:14. More than 200 buses ferry the students from nearby districts to the campus and over 9,000 students stay in the college hostels.
KSR accommodates 16 educational institutions namely 3 Engineering colleges, a Dental college, 2 Arts and Science colleges, 2 polytechnics, a College of education, a Teacher training institute,an Industrial training institute, an Industrial training school and 4 schools in a
single sprawling vernal campus of 350 acres. All the colleges are certified with ISO 9000:2008. Engineering courses are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi and National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). Besides two Engineering colleges and one Arts and Science college have been accorded autonomous status by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. Thus, KSR nourishes the academic ambience for students pursuing kindergarten to doctoral degree. In the coming days, the institute intends to start a medical
college to provide opportunities to the rural folks to fulfil their dreams of becoming a physician. It also purports to establish a multi-super speciality hospital with 500 beds capacity to support the medical practices of the students. New courses in nanotechnology, plastic technology, nuclear science and chemical technology are also on the cards for this thriving education provider. The future of the institute and its students seems to be a bright one.
Saishree. S,who works in Wipro, Bengaluru, was not always confident and focused in her first two years of graduation. When she first joined the institute, she was a reserved, average student who did not expect much from her life. Saishree honed her confidence through various
events that she participated in during her college. Similar is the case with several other students who are not aware of their talents. All
they require is an institution that can bring out the best in everyone and provide them with an opportunity to succeed in their chosen career. It is the guidance of the institute that keeps students on the right path and allows them to excel in their chosen disciplines. Saishree, stumped everyone with her oratory and dance skills during the college fests.
\"Many students who join our institute are unaware of their talents. From day one, we engage them in several activities that help them to hone their talent and realize their hidden potential. We do this to make these students industry ready,\" says Lion Dr. K. S. Rangasamy MJF, Founder-Chairman, KSR Educational Institutions. The benefit of this unique approach is seen in the placement record of the institute\'s 2013 batch students who have been placed in some of the best enterprises in the country. TCS, Wipro, CTS, Infosys, HCL, Samsung, Rainbow, Land Marks, Igarshi Motors, Vishwa Infrastructures and TVS Groups are some of the major companies that visited the campus. \"We ensure that the
students who step into our institution are able to graduate with pride,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan, Managing Trustee and Secretary, KSR Educational Institutions.
Pre placement preparations
In this age of competition, firms simply do not go by the marks attained by the applicants. The hiring squad will expect their prospective employees to have an all-round personality. The average students who can communicate well, take up challenges, lead a team, complete tasks in given time are preferred over a student with an exemplary classroom record and poor social skills. \"As learners are provided with strong fundamentals and expertise in their chosen field, and motivated to involve actively in department associations, societies, clubs and other forums, that expose them to real-life situations help them in improving their inter-personal skills. These activities assist them to evolve as industry-ready professional,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan. \"The questions that I faced during my interview were fairly simple as I was already prepared for them. I had faced most of the situational references that they made through the various activities that I participated during my course,\" admits Naresh L.S. who works in Vishwa Infrastructures, Chennai currently.
During his time in KSR, Naresh was heavily involved in event management.In his third year, Naresh was responsible for organizing all the fests and meets in the college along with generating funds for the same from the sponsors. The recruiters found his organizational and persuasive skills quite impressive and offered him a job in the second round of the interview.
To guide students in deciding their future prospects more efficiently, KSR facilitates its students with a career center. \"We have a Career Competency Development Course starting from the Third Semester to the Seventh Semester of every program. This unique program offers an opportunity for students to attend real campus recruitment program and are given feedback on their performance,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan. This allows them to improve upon their presentation skills and body language- making them confident for the actual interviews. Students are also given guidance on choosing an area of concentration for their respective careers.
The institute houses state of the art infrastructure to support its ideologies. \"We believe in the pithy saying \'Sound mind with strong body\'. Hence, students are encouraged to cope up the academic stress by indulging them in various sports and games,\" says Mr. R. Srinivasan. The Institution has a play ground, a fully equipped indoor stadium, a swimming pool, a gymnasium,and lawn tennis and basketball courts. Students have represented the college in the university, zonal, regional and state level sports, games and athletic events, and added laurels to the College as winners and runners in their respective sports and games. Students are also allowed to participate vibrantly in cultural events like dance both western and classical, music, miming and orchestra. The finalists of each event are permitted to show case their buddy talents on the annual day every year. Students\' enrollment in social bodies like National Service Scheme (NSS), National Cadet Corps (NCC), Youth Red Cross (YRC), Red Ribbon Club (RRC) and Green Compass are encouraged.
Bringing in a Fresh Perspective
\"What makes the experience of studying at KSR more special are its teachers. They supported us in every step of the way- right from our trivial activities to clubs and societies,\" says Bhuvanesh. M., a professional at Igarashi Motors, Chennai. \"I wasn\'t quite interested in anything but during our clubs and activities my mentor pointed out to me that I can do well in the field, that is where it began for me,\" he says.
Special lectures are arranged on topics related to challenges faced by youth. Experts from organizations have periodically addressed the
students between regular academic activities. Student development program is another such initiative where professors from other universities visit the campus and share their experience.
Hearing first hand experiences of industry experts helps students in drawing a better picture of the nitty-gritty of the enterprise. The college has faculty members who are an ideal blend of youth and experience. They focus on concept teaching rather than content transfer.
Faculty members are recruited based on their subject knowledge, communication and attitude to life in general and towards students in
particular and are tested in a personal interaction by the head of the department, principal and an external expert. Hiring at the lateral level allows the institute to accommodate uniquely qualified and accomplished teachers who can guide the student on every level.
The teachers play an active role in the student\'s completion of the program. \"Teaching and learning at KSR do not end in the classroom or
with the use of other modern aids,\" adds Mr. R. Srinivasan. The learners are encouraged to have free academic discussions, beyond the prescribed syllabus, with their faculty and peers as well. As learning is not forced upon them, it keeps them fresh and active. The students enjoy the benefits of \"an hour of referring the books\" other than fictions and novels both in English, vernacular and regional
languages in the library once in a week during the working hours. They are also encouraged to utilize the library and the net lab beyond class hours and weekends. Mr. K. Jothi Ramalingam, an alumnus, currently pursuing his Doctoral degree in South Korea says \"Inner depth of knowledge in my specialized area of interest has been fostered by International conferences like NANO-2010 and MAM-12. The exposure in fact not only enriched my knowledge but also made me a global researcher\". International Symposium ion Macro- and Supra-molecular Architectures and Materials (MAM-12), received contributions from more than 380 delegates which include 40 foreign delegates from 20 countries. The uniqueness of the conference was the plenary sessions chaired by 3 Nobel Laureates.
KSR institute was founded in 1984 by Lion Dr. K.S. Rangasamy MJF, a well-known philanthropist. The institute has a strong alumni network, \"It is students like Janani who act as our ambassadors. They are well placed in top firms in India as well as abroad,\" he adds. Many of the
alumni members also act as mentors for their juniors. Since its inception, KSR College of Technology has been producing success stories like Janani, Saishree, Naresh & Bhuvanesh who are not only proud to have been a part of the college but are also active alumni members. With such an impressive placement record, notable infrastructure to support the host of activities and a group of the finest teachers, places KSR on the wish list of many aspiring students. KSR today caters to over 27000 students with its 2000 faculty members including 220
doctorates in various engineering and arts disciplines with approximately 1213 supporting staff members. The staff-student ratio is 1:14. More than 200 buses ferry the students from nearby districts to the campus and over 9,000 students stay in the college hostels.
KSR accommodates 16 educational institutions namely 3 Engineering colleges, a Dental college, 2 Arts and Science colleges, 2 polytechnics, a College of education, a Teacher training institute,an Industrial training institute, an Industrial training school and 4 schools in a
single sprawling vernal campus of 350 acres. All the colleges are certified with ISO 9000:2008. Engineering courses are accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi and National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). Besides two Engineering colleges and one Arts and Science college have been accorded autonomous status by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi. Thus, KSR nourishes the academic ambience for students pursuing kindergarten to doctoral degree. In the coming days, the institute intends to start a medical
college to provide opportunities to the rural folks to fulfil their dreams of becoming a physician. It also purports to establish a multi-super speciality hospital with 500 beds capacity to support the medical practices of the students. New courses in nanotechnology, plastic technology, nuclear science and chemical technology are also on the cards for this thriving education provider. The future of the institute and its students seems to be a bright one.