Prime Minister Narendra Modi Announces Educational Platform for Blockchain Technology

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the formation of Future Skills - a platform that aims to provide education on cutting-edge technological innovation. The announcement was made at the World Congress on Information Technology 2018 or the WCIT. ICT associations from over 80 countries had attended the event. India's main information technology group, the National Association of Software and Services Companies or NASSCOM worked on the platform, hoping to provide citizens aged 18 to 35 better grounding in technologies. Blockchain technology was one of the eight areas of training mentioned. Remarkably, over a year ago, the Reserve Bank of India's research division stated that blockchain technology had "matured enough" to be the core driver to support the digitization of India's fiat currency, the rupee. Now a new blockchain platform for multiple applications in India's financial industry has been developed by the central bank's research division. Apart from this, many other blockchain-specific endeavors in the country are also in progress. SEBI, India's securities regulator has set up its own committee to investigate blockchain solutions. Moreover, Andhra Pradesh has taken a step ahead of other states and has already started developing blockchain applications in a number of areas like land registry and citizen data storage.