In My View
Creating an Engaging Learning Environment through Live Projects and Assignments
Rohan A T
Students are now more interested to face new challenges and live projects as well as...
Fostering A Lifelong Passion In Tamil Education
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dr Umayalambigal d/o, Ramakrishnan Mrs ThiruselvamDedicating her life to a career as an...
NIE Graduate Leads By Example Through Learning To Learn
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Some of the best leaders are those who lead by example. They have clear visions...
Skilling Must be Aligned with Emerging Trends
Rohan A T
I have seen the engineering profession go through multiple paradigm shifts over a period of...
Importance of Industry Partnerships in Fostering a Contemporary and Engaging Curriculum
Rohan A T
The market for executive education programmes in India has been growing since the beginning of...
Nurturing the Academic Culture for Long Term Sustainability
Rohan A T
The corporate landscapes are becoming more complex which is increasing the demand for capable...

Making Indian youth ready for the future-of-work
Rohan A T
The combined effect of these three factors will bring about significant changes in the Indian...
Industry-centric Institutions to Produce Skilled Engineers
Dr. Anil Rana, Director, Manipal Institute of Technology
The lack of quality of some engineers graduating from various colleges across India can be attributed to the mushrooming...
Education should prepare students for life, not just a job
Prof Parimal V Mandke, Vice President - NIIT University
What is education? "œThe creation of sound mind and body," according to Greek philosopher Aristotle. Our Gurukul system of...
Multi-dimensional pedagogy approach to higher education
Tahir Sufi, Professor, Graphic Era Deemed to be University
The COVID 19 pandemic has led to chaos in the world of business, posing a challenge to navigate such a VUCA crisis (Volatility,...
Embracing SEAL for Student Success in STEM
Anu Gokhale,Professor,Illinois State University
Reflecting on the unprecedented challenges of the past two years, higher education leaders have an opportunity to leverage lessons learned to introduce new strategies that drive...
Experiential Learning, a key to quality education
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Vice Chancellor, World University of Design
Albert Einstein once said - Learning is experience, everything else is just information. This quote effectively sums up the concept of experiential learning. Learning outside of...
Creating Future Entrepreneurs: Benefits of Early-stage entrepreneurial training to students
Dr. Yaj Medury, Vice Chancellor, Mahindra University
In this era of economic ascendance, the world of entrepreneurship has gained greater importance than ever. Entrepreneurs are at the core of economic growth, for countries and...
Digital Education is changing the way we learn
Shourie Chatterji, Chief Digital Officer, Schoolnet
Over the last two decades, we have seen technology transform the education sphere. As technology has advanced, we have seen education delivered online, computer-based remote...