Hailing from a small town in Rajasthan, Kapil Fenin had a dream that was not common among his childhood friends – he wanted to do his higher education abroad. However, the basic education as a Hindi medium student was the biggest roadblock for Kapil and he never wanted to attempt IELTS or any other language proficiency tests that would assure him the first ticket to a foreign country.
Kapil’s life took a turn when he met Mahaveer Rathore, who was running an education consultancy named Future Abroad in Bangalore. Mahaveer not only gave confidence to Kapil’s parents, but also assigned an individual trainer for Kapil to practice for IELTS exams. The training was rigorous – 9 hours in a day, 6 days a week, for 5 months. The result: Kapil clears the IELTS in his first attempt and eventually grabs the admission in the prestigious University of Auckland, New Zealand.