How quickly can you calculate 14565 + 24562 +35874 without using a calculator? Did you know that a seven-year-old kid who is trained in Abacus could find the answer within seconds without the use of any material aid? Abacus has been widely recognized as an effective method for math learning and mental development especially in early childhood. Established as a brand under Wizycom - AbacusMaster is a pioneer in providing interactive learning portal for Abacus learners. The online portal has a number of special features including Anzan videos, animated video explanations, interactive applications, online exams, structured syllabus, unlimited worksheets, mental accelerator and many more which are structured into eight levels. “To make the learning even more interesting, we have different other modules (not only Abacus related) which keeps the child engaged on the portal. This includes Edu games, Puzzles, Quizzes, Sudoku etc.” Says Arjun Valiyaparambil, Founder and CEO, AbacusMaster.