Beginning the noble journey of imparting knowledge by setting up a school in 1988, Anurag Vij was formerly serving as a Principal in a pre-school when she realized her innate bent towards the teaching profession. Vij took the plunge to attain her dream of imparting quality education to children by initiating a kindergarten school by the name of The Chintels School. In a short span of time, Vij,with her hard work, grit, and determination, was able to get affiliation from the CISCE board for her school. Acknowledged for her exceptional qualities and praised widely by her team of teachers and students, Vij is an exemplary leader in the field of education. She is on a relentless mission of creating an atmosphere of learning that children enjoy and one that encourages them to discover and express their talents to the fullest.
A Change-Maker with a Distinctive Perspective
According to Vij, having the opportunity of educating children is a rare privilege but along with it comes a huge responsibility to provide the best possible all-around development of a child. Abiding by this mantra, Vij, at The Chintels School, directs her team to bring in the teaching practices, which suit every child's learning requirements. "When a child is sent to school, the parent in a way gives unto you his or her most precious thing. It's for us now to nurture these cocoons into butterflies to fly freely in this world," says Vij. Continuously striving towards excellence, the status that