Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies (DGMC) | TheHigherEducationReview

Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies (DGMC)

By Dr. N.M. Kondap, Director General, DGMC
The current decade of 21st century is turbulent and char- acterized by uncer- tainty, disruption, innovativeness, chaos, variabili- ty, ambiguity and accelerating the change at a speed probably faster than the speed of light. While the impact of all these factors is felt across the industries, the Media and Entertain- ment industry is affected more and its impact is seen and felt. The media industry is becoming more organized and probably going to make its im- pact felt across various sectors. This would mean the industry needs more professionals with knowledge, skills and attitude, more towards Media & Entertainment management rather than production and facilities.Located in the suburbs of Mum- bai, the media hub of India, Devip- rasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies, known as DGMC, is playing a significant role in devel- oping professionals for the Media and Entertainment industry. DGMC is under the umbrella of the Rajasthani Sammelan Education Trust,which is a 68-year-old education body that supports and facilitates learn- ing activities for approximately 15,000 students from primary to post-graduation.

Established in 2013, DGMC be- lieves in empowering students to meet the challenges and manage the trans-medial communication envi- ronment of media, entertainment and advertising, while inculcating in them a spirit of entrepreneur- ship, dedication and professionalism. The institute's flagship two-year AICTE approved PGDM program that offers specializations in Media and Communication has been de- signed to meet the changing needs of global media, entertainment and advertising industry. "œWe at DGMC always focus on differential learn- ing with industry exposure, inter- woven with conceptual knowledge" claims Dr.N.M.Kondap, Director General, DGMC.

As a media institute of repute, DGMC realizes the importance to be laid on the creative elements along with the significance of developing the potential to use the specific knowledge and the general skills in the right place. "œWe are very proud to have enthusiastic students in our classrooms. Hence, our classroom interactions are very active with the teacher and the students involving themselves in the discussions of the topics than the usual monologue way of lecture," says Dr. Kondap. The institute's focus is to develop "˜Complete Student' with a combination of academics and co curricular activities. It is essential to develop the confidence among the students and bring in logical way of thinking and communication.

We try to achieve this through what we call "˜handholding approach'The program architecture of PGDM is designed and developed taking into consideration industry feedback from industry professionals, discussions with members of Board of Studies and Academic Council. This ensures that curriculum meets the requirement of the industry. The student's development is carried out under different stages in different phases.
Some of these are:
a) Rural Immersion: Students are sensitized to the rural issues as well as the role and impact of media and entertainment on the rural market. b) International Immersion: Students are exposed to the changing media and entertainment industry at international level with focus on digitization and academics.
c) MEAM (Manager in making): Students are developed in the areas of soft skills, interpersonal relations, business communications, writing ability and many more are given inputs to make them industry ready.
d) Corporate Social Responsibility: Social sensitivity is the core value at DGMC. Students do undertake projects related to CSR.
e) Socio-Cultural aspects:An opportunity is given to the students to showcase their talent.
f) Quiz and competition:Student's are encouraged to participate and organize competitions.

DGMC has mentor and mentee concept. Every student is given the guidance not only in the area of academics but also overall development. According to Dr. Kondap, it is not just the student development, but faculty development is also equally important. Faculty is encouraged to attend self development programs of his/her interest. Research and consultancy is given priority and the faculty members are required to present papers at the national and regional level conferences.
While academics is important, it's equally essential to provide the infrastructure and lab facilities for the students. DGMC is equipped with latest equipment, tracks, lights and cameras. The sound studio is the hub of innovation with the right combination of technology and aesthetics.

"œWe at DGMC, provide the environment which is conducive for learning, development and innovation. The scholarships are offered for deserving meritorious students"says, Dr. Kondap.