In the food-map of Tamil Nadu, Chennai might boast of a vibrant restaurant scene. Around 450 kilometres away from Chennai, however, the temple city of Madurai is the place where the foodies can explore the state’s own version of ‘soul food.’ Eateries in Madurai are dominated by family run Quick Service Restaurants with cuisines that are profoundly influenced by Chettinad style preparation, which is known for its fiery flavours. But, when it comes to the sweet delicacies, especially Cakes and Pastries, people of Madurai do not contemplate much, as they have their own Jayaram Bakery, which has been a leading and reputed name in Madurai for Bakery products and Restaurants since 1966. With a capacity to manufacture 20,000 and above Cakes and Pastries, Jayaram group runs over 10 bakeries and restaurants across Madurai and Bangalore in the name of Madurai Idly Shop.
The expertise of over 50 years in making delicious and well-crafted cakes is not the sole reason why Jayaram Bakery stands out from the crowd. Unlike many traditional restaurant chains, who have always kept their secret ingredient hidden in their kitchens, Jayaram Bakery has opened a hotel management institute named Jayaram College of Hotel Management, where students can learn the secrets of the baker’s craft, that too, right from the baker’s oven.