Perm State University: Pioneering Russian Higher Education Space By Implementation Of Scientific And Educational Academic Programs | TheHigherEducationReview

Perm State University: Pioneering Russian Higher Education Space By Implementation Of Scientific And Educational Academic Programs

By Sergey O. Makarov, Vice-Rector, Perm State University
Currently, higher education in the Russian Federation follows an internationalization strategy that opens door for international students from all over the world. This has allowed Russian higher education institutions to showcase their quality of education to students from across the globe. Established in 1916, Perm State University is one of the reputed higher education institutes in Russia which is committed to expanding innovative approaches in scientific, research and educational activities. The top priorities of the University includes integration into international education programs with key international partner universities such as dual-award programs, inclusive education, summer and winter schools, international internships, development of international relations in the field of research and social contacts, increase in academic mobility among the University academics and students, expansion of joint projects with research educational centres abroad, and formation of positive international image. The University continuously strives to create a corporate culture, providing support of individual creativity based on the principles of academic freedom, tolerance, communication and exchange of opinions that contribute to the whole system of University values while at the same time spreading active civil approach among their graduates.

A Range of Course to Choose from

Perm State University is a multiprofile classical university that trains highly-qualified specialists and carries on academic research in a number of areas most significant for the country as a whole and Perm region in particular. At the University, there are 74 individual departments across 12 different faculties that include biology, geography, history and politics, mechanics and mathematics, physics, modern foreign languages and literature, chemistry, economics, and law to name a few. In 2020, the University admitted students to 69 bachelor programmes, 45 master programmes and 22 doctoral programmes. Having passed its centennial, Perm State University evolves its initial strive and stays loyal to its mission of keeping the high standards of academic knowledge, and implementing the classical education tradition in the Urals.

Perm State University graduates occupy key positions in all the spheres of social, economic, scientific, cultural, governmental, and political life of the region. Many of them play significant roles as widely known scientists, politicians, and officials in the life of the city, region and country. Perm State University also promotes the development of civil society through the implementation of measures for the joint implementation of projects with non-profit organizations, the formation of service-learning programs for senior students, and supporting initiatives to create associations and urban communities. Owing to this, today, Perm State University is an intellectual leader in the socio-political, cultural, media and administrative areas of the Perm Region.

"Perm State University is one of the reputed higher education institutes in Russia which is committed to expanding innovative approaches in scientific, research and educational activities"

Offering the Perfect Learning Environment

Academic staff of Perm State University includes 650 Ph.D. candidates of science, 224 doctors of science, 2 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and 3 academicians of RAS. University teachers and scientists also occupy key positions in all the spheres of social, citizen, economic, scientific, cultural, governmental, and political life of the region. Many of them play a significant role as widely known scientists, politicians, and officials in various sectors throughout the country. Adding more about the student life offered by the University, Sergey O. Makarov, Vice-Rector, Perm State University says, "œThe University life is constantly spreading a unique creative feel. Drama, sports, music and dance groups meet here and interact in bigger venues at the Student Hall. Open lectures, discussion clubs and cross disciplinary research helps in making the study process more creative and less formal. Separate divisions work with undergraduates, graduates and retraining professionals. The University goes far beyond its campus, its events being covered by a dozen student media including University broadcasts through radio, television, Facebook and various other social networks".

Perm State University has more than 90 university-partners all over the world and over 25 academic mobility programmes with European and Chinese Universities. Besides, the University is proud of its long-lasting and mutually effective collaboration with the partner Universities in Europe including Oxford University, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Luneburg, and Leiden University to name a few. Perm State University is looking forward to becoming an active participant in international scientific and educational exchange, and a participant of network interaction of Russian and foreign universities in the field of priority academic activities. The result of it will be the growth of a number of foreign scientists involved in the University activities, increase in academic mobility amongst the University academics and the expansion of a number of joint projects with research teams of foreign scientific and educational centres. Perm State University willingly faces new challenges, opening horizons, providing opportunities for scholars and teachers, young professionals and creative people, and for aspiring students the University also offers a place to discover the world and mould their future in the best possible way.

Sergey O. Makarov, Vice-Rector, Perm State University

Sergey graduated from the Perm State University (Faculty of Physics) in 1986 and then he studied at PhD. Programme in Physics from 1988 till 1991 on the major of Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma. After the receiving PhD. Diploma, he had been working at Perm State University for many years taking various positions including a Research Fellow, Assistant Professor, Professor and Vice-Rector.