Dr. Geetha Narayanan,Founder - Director

Dr. Geetha Narayanan

Founder - Director

The name of Dr. Geetha Narayanan is not unknown in the education sector. Started her career as a school teacher in 1971, the visionary educationist Dr. Geetha Narayanan went on to form the 'Ujwal Trust' along with five other women in 1982. Initially, the trust established the prestigious Mallya Aditi International School. Later, with the mission of embarking into the professional and vocational education sphere, the trust initiated Srishti Institute of Art, Design, and Technology in 1996. Holding the position of the founder-director of both these institutions, Dr. Geetha Narayanan is gifting creative professionals to the industry through unique methodologies and approaches to the teaching at Srishti.

A non-residential institute, Srishti School of Art, Design, and Technology is affiliated to Bangalore Central University and offers undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate level education to the students. The institute currently hosts 35-degree programs under the aegis of seven schools viz. School of Media, Arts and Sciences, School of Design, Business and Technology, School of New Humanities and Design, School of Law, Environment and Planning, School of Continuing, Open and Professional Education, School of Foundation and Preparatory Studies and School of Advanced Studies and Research. Dr. Geetha Narayanan opines, "Our students are rendered the freedom to choose from a wide variety of courses according to their interest and they are also given the scope of selecting the time-table as per their convenience." Being a complete student-centric institute, every member of Srishti strives to create an environment that is informal and friendly in a way where students get
the room to express their ideas freely with their peers as well as faculty members. At Srishti, each student is allotted with a tutor embracing the one-on-one mentoring model. The tutor takes care of the academic and professional aspects of their assigned students during the tenure at Srishti. The minutes of each tutor meeting, which are quite formal and regular, is recorded in an online Tutee Information System for future requirements. If necessary, the tutor can also refer students to specific wellness or learning support staff based on their progress stage.

"The team of vibrant and experienced faculty members of Srishti drives to adopt all the latest pedagogies and guide students in realizing their potentialities"

The team of vibrant and experienced faculty members of Srishti drives to adopt all the latest pedagogies and guide students in realizing their potentialities. Apart from academics, the institute also motivates students to participate in sports, music, theatre and so on. "We always strive to see our students attain holistic development at Srishti, as the reason behind the success of any institute lies behind the victory of its students," pinpoints Dr. Geetha Narayanan.

Propagating Excellence

Located in Bangalore, the campus of Srishti is dynamic, colorful, casual and artistic, leading the students to a path of acknowledging innovation and develops a proactive mindset. The institute boasts of a number of centers and labs like Centre for Experimental Media and Arts (CEMA), Frugal Design Lab, Srishti Films, Upaaya - a center for contemplative practice, study and research, and many more. Focusing on research and practice, design and development, these centers and labs are led by faculty members from varied backgrounds in the premises of Srishti in addition to the programs offered. Dr. Geetha Narayanan states, "As some of these centers and labs converge with the academic programs, it helps immensely in enhancing the learning experience of our students."
The students get to undertake practical applications of the theory learned in the classrooms by engaging in numerous interdisciplinary projects in diverse spaces and contexts. "In each of these spaces, we build networks with experts, development organizations, and industry, constructing a backdrop that faculty, researchers, and students can connect with, for deeper and wider opportunities," claims Dr. Geetha. Remarkably, with the vision of deepening the relevance of cultural heritage, natural environments, and their relationships with human habitation, UNESCO Chair in Culture, Habitat, and Sustainable Development was established at Srishti in 2014 with Dr. Geetha Narayanan holding the lead.

Although the institute is not in permanent collaboration with any organization, it does have a cordial association with the industry giants. From time to time, the institute collaborates with government, corporations, and NGOs for accomplishing certain projects, which open the doors of innumerable possibilities for the students of Srishti. On the other side, there are a number of artists and designers who visit the institute in a regular interval for rendering hands-on training to the students. In operation for over two decades now, Srishti has been able to stand on its promise of building creative competencies ahead of the curve and continuing this journey the institute intends to keep shaping transformational opportunities.

Dr. Geetha Narayanan, Founder-Director

An administrator, researcher, teacher, and facilitator, Dr. Geetha Narayanan has pioneered many courses and projects that examine a wide variety of needs, both social and educational. She is a B.Ed from Bangalore University, pursued MA in International Education from Oxford Brookes University and has an Honorary Doctorate from Oxford Brookes University. She has dedicated her life to finding and establishing new models of educational institutions that are creative, synergistic, and original in their approach to learning.

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