Dr Rick Ede
Chief Executive
With tightened visa norms in the UK and crackdown of the U.S. universities, students from India are looking for new shores to pursue their higher education
dreams. New Zealand, which was not the first choice of study destination for most Indian students until a few years back, has become one of the major destinations for Indian international students. From 11,791 in 2010, the number of the Indian students travelling to New Zealand rose to 29, 235 by 2015.Located in Auckland, New Zealand’s biggest city, Unitec Institute of Technology, the largest technical institutions in the country, has also seen a considerable increase in its Indian student population in the recent years. “Education is a great way to build relationships between countries and develop a greater understanding and acceptance of cultural differences. Our advantage globally is that New Zealand is a safe and welcoming country with a growing economy. Here, we celebrate diversity and New Zealand has recently been listed as the best place to live,” says Dr Rick Ede, Chief Executive, Unitec Institute of Technology.Unlike many higher education institutions in New Zealand, Unitec has been operating successfully in the Indian market for nearly 20 years and they have been continually looking to renew and refine their approach.
“All students at Unitec can access a range of free support services to help them succeed in their studies. These include counselling, budgeting advice, spiritual support and career advice. In 2017, we are launching a new scholarship program for high-achieving international students from India,” shares Dr Ede. “We will offer a total of five scholarships across engineering, business, architecture, computing and education for those who demonstrate