On a visit to Pune in the late 1950s, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, was very impressed with its array of top-notch educational institutions that he gave the city the sobriquet of "the Oxford of the East." Indeed, with the quality of education, infrastructure, cultural platforms, available resources and reputable academicians, Pune has been always known as one of the major education capitals of India. Unlike other major cities in India, Pune has a rare distinction of offering education to most of the foreign students who come to India for further studies. While, approximately 4000 students from over 74 countries come here for studies every year, with the fast increasing number of migrants from other parts of India, the city is considered as one of the...
Christ Institute of Management (CIM), Lavasa
Sarath Shyam, Managing Editor, The Higher Education Review
HER Team
Institute of the year- 2016, Pune
HER Team
HER Team
Does Higher Education in India Make You Ready for the Real World?
Sonya Hooja, Director, Director, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, Imarticus
Evolving from a Graduate to a Talent Made in India
Vijay Iyer, Chief Business Officer, HCL TalentCare