India is a home to more than 500 animation studios, which have created blockbuster Hollywood movies like The Jungle book, Life of Pie, Shrek and many more. Working closely with the Hollywood Industry, the Animation Industry in India has predicted that it will generate more than Rs. 9,000 crores by 2020. Now in a process to produce quality home-grown content,debutants in this industry face a cut-throat competition, as there are numerous animation academies churning out a surplus number of animators. Established in the year 2001, Maya Academy of Advanced Cinematics (MAAC) has been a premier institution in this sector, providing career-oriented courses to the people who come with a creative flair. “We emphasise more on the principles of animation before we start teaching them with advanced software. There are always new tools and software which arrive into the industry, but the principles remain intact,” says Ramkumar Warrier, Director, MAAC.
MAAC imparts training on par with the industry standards through courses designed by Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) of its Research and Development (R&D) team.