It was a regular August evening this year, when the residents of ‘the pearl city of India', Hyderabad, had to confront with an unexpected and huge traffic jam. In fact, it consequently brought Hyderabad's bustling IT hub, HITEC city to such a chaotic situation that Cyberabad police had to issue traffic advisory. It was all because of the launch of a store of Swedish retail giant- IKEA, which is apparently the result of years of intense research that helped the leading people of the company understand the increasing interest of Indians in the home furnishing and design domain. The research further revealed that the country's 600-million-strong urban population is undoubtedly inclined towards giving innovate modification to their small home spaces.
"The students at PIAT are taught right from the basic and eventually are nurtured to earn the expertise of executing the designs efficiently"
However, along with IKEA, many more companies were introduced in the in the Indian market. Such entrances reassure the pivotal role that the future interior designers are going to play. Taking the onus to produce a talented workforce of interior designers who can lead the ever-growing design industry of tomorrow, Suryadatta Education Foundation's (SEF) Pune Institute of Applied Technology (PIAT) provides excellent facilities for the professional and specialized interior design training. "Owing to the demonstrated excellence over the years, PIAT has been ranked as ‘Best Interior Design Institute in Maharashtra' by worldwide achievers during Asia Educational Summit," proudly says Prof. Ajit D Shinde, Principal, PIAT. Situated in