Rupali Dhamdhere, Principal, C M International School, Pune

By Rupali Dhamdhere, Principal

After schooling, Rupali Dhamdhere did her under graduation in Human Development and Child Development from SNDT Women's University and came through with flying colours. However, for her higher studies, Rupali chose Masters in Journalism and Communication at Symbiosis International, as she wanted to address social issue and do something for the society. She was one of the few students from her institute to be placed in Doordarshan TV, which was the largest news-broadcasting channel during that time. Later, in responding to her call for teaching, Rupali started working with an international school as a teacher. With years of experience in the field of education, today she is holding the position of the administrator at the C M International School, Pune.

Mother to Many

As a people's person or we can say a kid's person, Rupali Dhamdhere always wanted to be in the education sector, loving and caring children of different age group. No wonder, she took up the subject Human Development and Child Development from SNDT Women's University as her specialization during her graduation. However, life has its own funny ways to detract us from following our passion. After her studies at SNDT, Rupali did Masters in Journalism and Communication at Symbiosis International, which gave her the opportunity to work with Pune Dhoordarshan Channel and take up freelance writing commitments for some daily magazines. However, Rupali could not continue in the media sector for a long time, as she had to look for a better avenue after the demise of her father. "Banking was the best option available then. I worked with a nationalised bank for about seven years, until I settle with my life," recounts Rupali.

"If a woman stands up for herself, she can cherish the present and do wonder in the future as well" - Rupali Dhamdhere

Rupali left banking sector after marriage and moved to Landon with her husband and kid. The life in Landon allowed Rupali to live her dream. When her husband went out for work, Rupali utilized her free time accompanying her son to the school and helping the teachers over there. "I discovered my passion for teaching when I worked with teachers and kids. It was the begging of my career in education," shares Rupali, who taught in a pre-primary school in Landon, until she came back and started working with a friend to set up a preschool in Pune. Rupali says, "It was a great come back to the home land. The business was both satisfactory and profitable in the initial years. But, we couldn't run it for more than four years, as my partner moved to Australia looking for better a prospect in life."

Rupali is not a person who would give up on dreams easily. She went on to work with some reputed schools in Pune and Cambridge Education as teacher and ICSE coordinator respectively. "I always loved the company of children. So, once I got the chance to be with them in the classrooms, the thought of moving away from this profession has never occurred to me," smiles Rupali, who has worn multiple hats in her professional life. Today, working as the Principal of C M International School, Rupali has an inquisitive mind of a journalist, a sharp brain of a banker and compassionate thoughts of a teacher - a great combination of characters to emerge as a leader in education.

"As a teacher and administrator, I ensure that our children are developed holistically. At C M International School, we have created an activity based education pattern where we teach our students the importance brainstorming together to perform better," explains Rupali. Most of the activities at C M International School tend to increase the creativity of the students and help them prepare for the future. Rupali continues, "The doors of my office are always open. Students and teachers can step into my room anytime. I understand them better, as I always talk to them as a friend."

Under the leadership of Rupali, C M International School has won several awards and accolades like the TATA Institute of Social Studies award for teaching methodology, Indo Global Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture award for best school and the Times Education Icons 2017 award for the Best schoolin the category of extracurricular activities in Pune. By following pedagogy that is different from others, Rupali has also helped the institute to increase the number of students. "With the initial success of being recognised as one of the top institutes in Pune, we have decided to increase the co-curricular activities, which will make the classroom teachings more interactive and will fetch good results for us in the future," explains Rupali.

Today, Rupali is contented with both professional and personal life. She says, "I have been raised by a very strong woman; my mother has given me all her good qualities. She is my soul mate my biggest support." A mother of two kids, Rupali considers every child in the school as her own, which defines her as mother of many.

HER Favourites

Book: Sea of Poppies

Author: Amitav Ghosh

Hobby: Reading

Gadget: Kindle

Quote: A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.